This book focuses on participating libraries that used the 2002 LibQUAL+TM survey to collect qualitative and quantitative data for assessing and evaluating their service quality, resource allocations, staffing, technology, and policies.
Advances in information technology, networked systems, and especially the advent of the Web have driven a rapid and vast change in academic libraries. Almost every aspect of library work has...
New and creative ways to provide library services In recent years, new advances have opened doors to exciting possibilities for libraries and their users. Drawing inspiration from the commercial...
Covering the essentials of reference work, this text addresses the fundamental issues that librarians need to be aware of, such as the growing need for electronic services and collections whilst...
G. Edward Evans and Patricia Layzell Ward ISBN: 9781555705862 Published: 2007 6 x 9 - 575 pp. - $65.00 Request an Exam Copy WorldCat record Add to LibraryThing DescriptionFree PreviewReviewsCompanion...
Libraries Unlimited , 2004 . of Library Policy and Practice . Ed . by Paper $ 45 . Robin Osborne . American Library Associ- Integrating Print and Digital Resources in ation , 2004. Paper $ 32 . Library Collections .
An essential tool for digital services for every campus library The Twelfth Off-Campus Library Services Proceedings is a selection of superb presentations from the twelfth annual conference on library services...
Libraries are currently confronted by the challenges of managing increasing amounts of electronic information. Print vs. Digital: The Future of Coexistence presents the expert perspectives of eight of America's leading...
Information Commons often refers to the theoretical production, sharing, and democratic discussion of information that is afforded by new technologies. It also refers to the physical manifestation of this concept-new...
This book describes the application of The ClimateQUAL® survey protocol (originally Organizational Climate and Diversity Assessment–OCDA©) to over 55 libraries with thousands of individual respondents in the US, Canada and UK. The ...
Electronic resource management is becoming a primary responsibility of library managers. This book approaches electronic resource management as a system affecting all library work, linking it to concepts of collaborative...