For centuries opera companies have mesmerized audiences with their elaborately costumed and made-up characters and the pageantry of their productions. Among the several hundred regional companies in China today, the best known are the Peking, the Cantonese, and Shanghai's Yue Operas, which are featured in this photographic book. Jessica Tan Gudnason's stunning portraits look more like painted sculptures than photographs. Her images were taken over a ten-year period during which she frequented opera productions, capturing actors in all stages of preparation for roles or fully dressed for a performance. Her images range from gorgeously costumed and heavily made-up leading players to children dressing for supporting roles. Gudnason's aim is to recreate the excitement, emotion, sound, color, and movement of the actors backstage from an insider's view.
Supplementing the photographs is an insightful text by actress Gong Li as she comments on these powerful photographs and their significance as well as provides information about Chinese opera companies. This unique book is ideal for collectors of exceptional photography and for anyone who loves opera, music, and theater.
Chinese opera is one of the world's oldest dramatic forms and a well-loved treasure of Chinese culture.
Building on her previous work, this new book focuses on various forms of Chinese 'opera' in locations around the Pacific Rim, including Hong Kong, Taiwan and California.
... the salary rise for individual residents was an average 10.4 per cent, yet the private housing market went up as ... under Mao it was again, the Western educational system, which created the new urban middle class (Andreas 2009).
Chinese opera has a history of over 800 years.
Peking Opera provides a comprehensive illustrated introduction to the origins and development of this unique performance art.
Fu Jun. 1995. “Ji Yin Guifang siyan Honglou Meng” (Yin Guifang in her four times of acting in Dream of the red chamber). ... In Gao Yilong and Lu Shijun, eds., Chongxin zouxiang huihuang: Yueju gaige wushizhounian lunwen ji (Resume the ...
But the choreographer doesn’t agree. In fact, he laughs at the boy when asked to join the others in the acrobatics part of the opera. Upset, the boy runs home to sulk. What will he do next?
Fostering national culture in Singapore through Chinese street opera performance
In order to discuss "mistaken identity" and gender issues as they relate to cross-dressing on the Chinese operatic stage, this book examines a wide range of materials, including traditional dramatic texts, modern literary writings, critical ...
This work seeks to create discourse among theatre and performance studies, Asian and Asian American studies, and transnational and diasporic studies.