Michael Wex's hilarious, bestselling look at Yiddish language, culture, and humor is now a sharp day-to-day calendar for 2008. Combining Yiddish vocabulary--the famous expressions, colorful idioms, and shattering curses--and insights into the history of both the language and its people,Born to Kvetch 2008will not only give you something fun to kvetch about every day, but will show you how to do it right.Don't we all know someone who's only happy talking about what's wrong with everything? Behold the perfect gift! Fans of educated humor writing, language buffs, students of Jewish culture, and anyone who's ever thought they had something to complain about will appreciate the celebrated tsuris of this calendar. A national bestseller,Born to Kvetchis praised as "required reading" by theNew York Post, "wise, witty, and altogether wonderful" byThe New York Times, "a joy to behold" by theWashington Post, and "funny, erudite" byPeoplemagazine. Featuring Yiddish words, expressions, curses, and classic kvetches, providing an entirely new, time-honored vocabulary for doing what everyone loves to do all the time: complain!