The ability to adapt to the continual changes necessitated by American freedoms has been one of the hallmarks of law and its practice in American society. Kauffman and Collier, law librarians and professors at Yale University Law School, take readers through the decisions and events that have collectively formed the American legal system. Accompanying this informative text are photographs, paintings, and cartoons that speak to the uniqueness and importance of the American justice system, and highlight its path of continual progress as new issues arise that at once require historical perspective and modern thinking.
A gripping account of social-movement divides and crucial legal strategies, this book delivers a definitive recent history of an issue that transforms American law and politics to this day.
Wolfson Archives. After Miami-Dade mayor Chuck Hall sent the first wrecking ball to destroy an African American neighborhood, buildings were demolished to make way for I-95, as children look on. Top photo: Wolfson Archives.
The book discusses the place of law in regard to colonization and empire, indigenous peoples, government and jurisdiction, population migrations, economic and commercial activity, religion, the creation of social institutions, and ...
See , e.g. , THOMAS W. HAZLETT & MATTHEW L. SPITZER , PUBLIC POLICY TOWARD CABLE TELEVISION ( MIT Press 1997 ) ; Richard ... L. REV . 4 ( 1984 ) . 8. See , e.g. , Gary S. Becker , Nobel Lecture : The Economic Way of Looking at Behavior ...
G. Edward White's 'Tort Law in America' is regarded as a standard in the field.
Two years later the City of New York took the mandate of the Court of Appeals in Stover to heart and adopted ... pleasure and welfare of the people of the city'.90 The legislation authorized a Landmarks Preservation Commission to ...
Epic in its scope, Railroads and American Law makes a complex subject accessible to a wide range of readers, from legal historians to railroad buffs, and shows the many ways in which a powerful industry brought change and innovation to ...
Private School Law in America
Private School Law in America
And in an age of global dominance, what impact has the American legal system had abroad? This engrossing book chronicles a century of revolutionary change within a legal system that has come to affect us all.