A comprehensive introduction explains how and where to find rocks and minerals, and makes identification of specimens simple.
This captivating book introduces children to hands-on science with fun activities like starting your own impressive rock collection and how to stay safe on your rock finding missions.
Most minerals fracture and cleave, but some will only fracture. Common fracture terms are uneven, conchoidal (shell-like), hackly (jagged), and splintery. curved fracture in opal rough, uneven surfaces of rock crystal Uneven fracture ...
What are rocks and minerals?
This field guide is divided into two large sections—one devoted to minerals and one to rocks, each prefaced by a comprehensive introduction that discusses formation, chemistry, and more.
Discusses the physical properties of various rocks and minerals and gives instructions for collecting and identifying specimens.
The books pair magnificent National Geographic photographs with lively text by skilled children's book authors across four reading levels.
The inside back cover of the paperback edition is an interactive feature based upon the book. Level 1 books reinforce the content of the book with a kinesthetic learning activity.
Discover space rocks, gemstones, metals, volcanoes, world wonders and more. With out-of-this-world artwork from Anna Alanko and expert content written by two geologists, this is the book all rock-crazy kids need.
Discusses the different kinds of rocks and minerals, how they are formed, and their various uses.
Text and photographs examine the creation, importance, erosion, mining, and uses of rocks and minerals.