More than five thousand articles on topics today's children need to understand are illustrated with ten thousand photographs and more than two thousand specially commissioned artworks, in a comprehensive yet easy-to-use three-volume reference.
This encyclopedia has over 1000 pages of information, more than 12,000 photographs and is arranged alphabetically for easy access.
Wallace and Gromit's Wacky World of Knowledge
A highly illustrated one-volume encyclopedia containing 450 main entries ranging from Aboriginal Australians to Zoos.
People and the Man-made World
Introduces youngsters to a wealth of information ranging from weather, homes, and clothes, to plants and animals, to historical facts, to machines and buildings
( I ; A ) UNION OF SOVIET SOCIALIST REPUBLICS Andrews , William G. The Land and People of the Soviet Union . Harper , 1991. ( I ; A ) Bernards , Neal , ed . The Soviet Union . Greenhaven Press , 1987. ( A ) Campling , Elizabeth .
Encyclopedia of Knowledge is a definitive encyclopedia, covering everything kids aged 9+ need to know about the world.
Once you pick me up, you won't want to put me down .
"A journey through time, from prehistory to the modern world.
Talk Nerdy to Me: The World in Facts, Stats, and Geeky Graphics