Offers a step-by-step guide to the program, including illustrated lessons, quick fixes, and do-it-yourself projects
Offers instructions on using the different components of Microsoft Office
How to Use Microsoft Office 2000 covers all Office applications (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, Access, and Internet Explorer). The focus of coverage is on the core features that you need...
Offers instructions on using the different components of Microsoft Office to track finances, organize e-mail, create documents, and design publications
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You're a smart person who wants to stay ahead in the corporate world. You know that using Office 97 is what you need to do-but that could mean struggling through...
A guide to the spreadsheet program highlights tips and shortcuts while explaining how to enter, manipulate, and display data
Word 97 • Excel 97 Publisher 97 Outlook 97 • Internet Explorer 3.02 • Small Business Financial Manager AutoMap Streets Plus O SI Special Edition MICROSOFT Using Office 97 TM Small Business E PHOENIX COLE EKSTR Comprehensive .
This authoritative reference is your solutions source for Office 97! Professional tips and techniques teach you how to create and edit worksheets, format charts and data, conduct advanced calculations, and...
This book offers straightforward, practical answers for fast results. By working through the 10-minute lessons, you learn everything you need to know to take advantage of the new features of Outlook 98.
With this all-encompassing guide, you'll be creating professional-quality documents, reports, spreadsheets, presentations, and databases in no time