A guide for system administrators of all types of UNIX distributions offers real-world examples demonstrating programming and troubleshooting techniques.
The Korn shell is also faster; several of its features allow you to write programs that execute more quickly than their Bourne or C shell equivalents.This book provides a clear and concise explanation of the Korn shell's features.
Who should use this book? This book is for anyone who wants to learn how to program in the Korn Shell. While many of the examples will carry over to other shells, this book focuses on Korn Shell.
This is a Second Edition of the best-selling guide to the KornShell command and programming language by the original inventors of the language. It provides a specification...
This is a tutorial and technical reference manual for the KornShell, with lots of examples to get UNIX shell programmers started. This edition features a redesigned layout and includes all...
"Learning the Korn Shell" is the key to the Korn shell and becoming adept at using it as an interactive command and scripting language.
Covering Bash, Bourne, and Korn shell scripting, this updated edition provides complete shell scripts plus detailed descriptions of each part.
With this book, programmers will learn: How to install bash as your login shell The basics of interactive shell use, including UNIX file and directory structures, standard I/O, and background jobs Command line editing, history substitution, ...
Learn how to develop powerful and robust shell scripts in order to get the most out of your Unix/Linux system.
All major features of the shell are covered, and the large number of practical examples make it easy for you to build shell scripts for your particular applications. The book also describes the major features of the Korn and Bash shells.
This manual seeks to provide hands-on advice and technical tips on how to use the Korn Shell features effectively, to customize the Unix/Linux environment, and write, test and debug Korn Shell scripts.