Deep and balanced coverage of new processors from Intel and AMD, including the long-awaited Pentium 4 and 64-bit Itanium.The information here could prevent an untimely meltdown of a beloved PC. Read Scott's coverage of audio, video and Internet connectivity for the lowdown on supercharging a PC.Use the new troubleshooting index to track down pesky problems with everything from IRQ conflicts to audio quality.
He is the author of The Complete Idiot's Guide to High - Speed Internet Connections , PC Help Desk in a Book , and Absolute Beginner's Guide to Cable Internet Connections and is coauthor of TechTV's Upgrading Your PC .
Explains how to maintain or enhance systems running the Linux operating system
Provides information on how to upgrade, maintain, and troubleshoot the hardware of laptop computers, discussing the differences among them as well as their various configuration options.
This book shows how to repair and upgrade all of your PC's essential components: Motherboard, CPU, and Memory.
Originating out of the bestselling PC hardware book ("Upgrading and Repairing PCs"), this title features all the essential reference tables and configuration settings without the bulk.
Who says detailed coverage must come in a big package? This diminutive book makes up for its tiny size by providing you with a level of detail that exceeds that found in some bigger (in size and name) competitor books.
Updated and revised with eighty percent new material, this book is 100 percent of what readers need to upgrade, fix, or troubleshoot PCs Sixty-five percent of U.S. households own a PC; this book caters to the do-it-yourselfers in these ...
Provides instructions on building a PC, covering such topics as choosing components, installation, and testing the system.
... 4MB ) Type of RAM chips ( for example , 120ns DIPs ) Maximum amount of RAM my PC can handle ( for example , 16MB ) Hard disk type ( for example , Conner IDE ) Hard disk size ( for example , 340MB ) Second hard disk type Second hard ...