Examines a wide variety of cultural and technological phenomena that have helped shape American popular culture over the last 150 years.
MacNamara reveals how ordinary women and men legitimized birth control through private moral action, as opposed to public advocacy, in the early twentieth century.
In challenging the assumptions of much Western cultural criticism, this book will be essential reading for students of Latin American society, while offering the general reader a concise and accessible overview of an exciting and varied ...
This is an exploration of how Latin America developed an alternative modernity during the early twentieth century, one that challenges the key assumptions of the Western dominant model.
The penologist Orlando Lewis noted that this regime gave Auburn prison “the beauty of a finely functioning machine. It had reduced the human beings within the prison to automata.”53 Such reports helped make Auburn prison one of the most ...
Popular culture tends to simultaneously lose and gain in the era of globalization. The singularity and internal self-reproduction of popular cultures have dwindled, but at the same time their vibrancy...
American Modern is an inspiring design volume that will redefine the way readers think about modern interiors. “O’Brien carefully describes the design process of his chosen projects.
Explores the experience of the modern in Latin America, including modernity in popular culture, the avant-garde, politics, and religion.
( E. C. Curwen and G. Hatt 1953 : 287. ) 6. This necessity of plowing a particular field twice because of what a single passage had left undone was a common theme in the ancient world . Virgil , for example , praised the husbandman who ...
Challenging that perspective, James E. Sanders contends that Latin America in this period was a site of genuine political innovation and popular debate reflecting Latin Americans' visions of modernity.
... Romulo Galvan, Manuel de JeSUS Garcia, Alan Garcia Calderon, Francisco Garcia Canclini, Nestor Garcia-Gual, Carlos Garcia de la Huerta, Marcos Garcia Marquez, Gabriel gaucho Gerbi, Antonio Gerchunoff, Alberto Germani, Gino Giddens, ...