Traces the origins of Black body politics in the United States and its contemporary manifestations in hip-hop music and film.
Essay from the year 2015 in the subject African Studies - African diaspora, grade: A, California State University, East Bay, course: African American sexuality, language: English, abstract: Historically masculine black sexually has been ...
How do Black men imagine who they are and what they must do ...within their families, communities, and the world? The essays in this collection both ask and attempt to answer this question.
Quoted in Victoria Earle Matthews , ed . , Black Belt Diamonds : Gems from the Speeches , Addresses , and Talks to Students of Booker T. Washington ( Miami : Mnemosyne Publishing Co. , 1969 ) , 112 . 16. " That which for three centuries ...
Black Comics: Politics of Race and Representation introduces students to such key texts as: The work of Jackie Ormes Black women superheroes from Vixen to Black Panther Aaron McGruder's strip The Boondocks
This book proposes a pedagogy of black urban struggle and solidarity.
This is an extraordinarily well-balanced collection of essays focused on varied expressions of African American Rhetoric; it also is a critical antidote to a preoccupation with Western Rhetoric as the arbiter of what counts for effective ...
New York : Routledge . Morrison , T. ( 1977 ) . Song of Solomon . New York : Signet . ( 1983 ) . Recitatif . In A. Baraka & A. Baraka ( Eds . ) , Confirmation : An Anthology Of African - American Women .
Classical Africa (Asante, 1993), African American History: A Journey of Liberation (Asante, 1995), African Intellectual Heritage (Asante & Abarry, 1996), Classical African Activity Book (Asante & Mitchell, 1996), Teacher's Guide for ...
Contributors to this volume, however, deconstruct the history and politics of masculinities within the contexts of the cultures from which they have been developed, examining what makes a man who he is within his own culture.
Diana suffered the effects of sexism and racism at law school, and she feels she has to work for the uplift of black people, while also expecting the narrator to do the same, for the community needs “[s]trong black men” (180), ...