The United States has once again entered into a period of large external imbalances.
This book, first published in 1993, closely examines the United States government’s policy toward the Latin American debt crisis in the years 1982 to 1985.
The story of personal debt in modern America Before the twentieth century, personal debt resided on the fringes of the American economy, the province of small-time criminals and struggling merchants.
The first book to follow the history of personal debt in modern America, Debtor Nation traces the evolution of debt over the course of the twentieth century, following its transformation from fringe to mainstream--thanks to federal policy, ...
The approach used now has not, and will not, work. This timely book reveals why. Zombie Banks tells the story of how debtor nations and failing institutions are damaging the long-term prospects of the global economy.
Ray presents a comprehensive review of U.S. trade policy since World War II, with particular emphasis on how that policy has affected developing countries.
The global economy has experienced four waves of rapid debt accumulation over the past 50 years.
Is U. S. Government Debt Different?
This volume analyzes the complex economic relationship between the United States and Latin America during the 1980s and into the 1990s.
America became the leading industrial country of the world at the very time when it was a debtor nation in world accounts. 'This is the best comprehensive survey of early American direct investment abroad that has yet appeared.