Describes the three main groups of women who had abortions through the mid-nineteenth century, and assesses the impact of early anti-abortion laws
Sanger, in fact, later claimed that her exposure to the miseries of abortion made manifest in the death of an impoverished immigrant named Sadie Sachs in 1912 had inspired her long fight for open access to contraceptive knowledge and ...
Edward v. Han~ rahan v. William S. White, 52 Ill. 2d 71, (March 1972), Case Files, vault no. 68793, Supreme Court of Illinois, Record Series 901; Peter Broeman and Ieannette Meier, “Therapeutic Abortion Practices in Chicago ...
This book dispels these myths and sets forth the true history of abortion and abortion law in English and American society. Anglo-American law always treated abortion as a serious crime, generally including early in pregnancy.
Few Supreme Court decisions have stirred up as much controversy, vitriolic debate, and even violence as the one delivered in Roe v. Wade in 1973. Four decades later, it remains...
They talk about whether women should be allowed to have an abortion or not, and almost every American has an opinion on the issue. One might ask if this is necessary considering the fact that laws do not prohibit abortion.
This book is a compilation of CRS reports on abortion in the United States.
One Life challenges the reader to critically examine Roe v. Wade and a judicial system which sometimes blunders badly. This book furthers the realization that Roe v.
"Essential."—New York Times "A first-rate exposition of the changing cultural and legal climate regarding abortion in America."—Washington Post "For those who take abortion for granted, Reagan's work is an eye-opener."—Publishers ...
The US Supreme Court is the head of the judicial branch of the federal government.