Essential, comprehensive, and easy to use, National Geographic Complete Book of Birds is an astonishing resource that covers every bird species in North America, as well as all the migrants that fly through. The entries are organized by family groups-an incredible 82 are included-according to the American Ornithological Union guidelines. Within a family, each separate bird entry has dozens of tips and illustrations on species' genders, age groups, behavior, habitats, nesting and feeding habits, and migration routes. Readers will also find unique features, such as:
Perfect for novice or experienced birders alike, National Geographic Complete Book of Birds is a definitive, must-have resource. Quite simply, there is no other volume like it.
Green Heron Buforides virescens L18"(46cm) WS 26" (66cm) Small, chunky heron with shortlegs. Back and sides of adult's neckare deep chestnut, green on upperparts is mixed with blue-gray, center of throat and neck white.
Covers every bird species in North America, as well as all the migrants that fly through.
Covers more than 150 species of North American birds and includes nearly 300 full-color photos, 150 range maps and 500 additional illustrations, as well as tips on feeding, birdhouses and creating bird-friendly backyard landscapes.
This comprehensive volume profiles every bird observable in the continental United States and Canada, featuring species accounts with details that include calls and songs, breeding behaviors, molting patterns, and the vast extent of their ...
"Examines more than eighty avian families, including an overview of plumage, behavior, distribution, taxonomy, and conservation, and describes all 962 species, covering identification, similar species, voice, status, and distribution"--
An authoritative series of compact regional bird field guides surveys the diverse bird species in a variety of popular birding hotspots, along with helpful identification tips, detailed descriptions, full-color artwork and photographs, new ...
SCIEIHIFIC NAME: (irus canadensis he Sandhill Crane is a big gray bird that can be mistaken for a Great Blue Heron (see pp. 104-105). Cranes nest in freshwater marshes in the Northwest. upper Great Lakes. and Canada, and spend the ...
Sized for backpack or pocket, each 272-page volume highlights a single state or two and covers 125 species (each with a photograph and range map), with local expertise provided by experienced birders.
CROWNED NIGHT-HERON - Nycticoraxmycticorax 25inst tim 44 insis?cm) - - ftheir nesting colony is disturbed, the young Black-crowned Night-Herons will poop and puke on theintruder. Their strategy mustwork—the Black-crowned is the most ...
Bachman's Warbler Vemwora bachmanii iU" Ills not certain thai Bach man's warbler is exiinci. bji ii is probable. Hope for ihis bird continues partly because it escaped notice for 50 years after being discovered by Dr. Bachman in ...