Why do some organizations learn at faster rates than others? Why do organizations "forget"? Could productivity gains acquired in one part of an organization be transferred to another? Learning curves have been documented in many organizations, in both the manufacturing and service sectors. The classic learning curve model implies that organizational learning is cumulative and persists through time. However, recent work suggests that firms also demonstrate depreciation of knowledge, or "forgetting". Such understanding becomes more exciting as one looks at the link between learning and productivity. Organizational Learning: Creating, Retaining and Transferring Knowledge describes and integrates the results of research on factors explaining organizational learning curves and the persistence and transfer of productivity gains acquired through experience. Chapter One provides an overview of research on organizational learning curves. Chapter Two introduces the concept of organizational "forgetting" or knowledge depreciation. Chapter Three discusses the concept of organizational memory. Chapter Four argues that analyzing small groups provides understanding at a micro level of the social processes through which organizations create and combine knowledge. Chapter Five describes results on knowledge transfer. Chapter Six discusses various tensions and trade-offs in the organizational learning process.
' - Stephen Gibb, University of Strathclyde, MCB University Press The debates surrounding concepts of `organizational learning' and the `learning organization' receive a welcome synthezis in this book. Inte
This book presents a solid, research-based conceptual framework that demystifies organizational learning and bridges the gap between theory and practice.
With new case material from BP, the US Army, Ernst and Young, and the Bank of Montreal, for example, this book shows how you can make use of the collective reasoning, intelligence and knowledge of the organization and channel it into its ...
This new book by Paul Kearns focuses on the need for an evidence-based approach to learning and development, bringing together the author’s extensive knowledge of HRM and organizational learning with new developments in the field.
Organizational defences that exist in most organizations can inhibit organizational performance. This book shows how to diagnose the organization to expose the weaknesses. Each chapter contains advice about how to...
This book presents a solid, research-based conceptual framework that demystifies organizational learning and bridges the gap between theory and practice.
Weick, K. E., Sutcliffe, K., & Obstfeld, D. (2005). Organizing and the process of sensemaking. Organization Science, 16(4), 409–421. Willingham, D. T. (2007). Cognition: The thinking animal. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education.
The book shows you how you can best exploit the knowledge that already exists within your organization while at the same time develop the capability of the people that work there.
Bassi , Laurie J. , George Benson , and Scott Cheney . “ Position Yourself for the Future . ” Training & Development . Alexandria , VA : American Society for Training & Development , November 1996 , 27-42 . Bassi , Laurie J. , and Mark ...
Knowledge Management and Organizational Learning presents some 20 papers organized into five sections covering basic concepts of knowledge management; knowledge management issues; knowledge management applications; measurement and ...