This volume of Analog Circuit Design concentrates on three topics: Low-Power Low-Voltage Design; Integrated Filters, and Smart Power. The book comprises six papers on each topic written by internationally recognised experts. These papers have a tutorial nature aimed at improving the design of analog circuits. The book is divided into three parts: Part I, Low-Power Low-Voltage Design, describes the latest techniques for producing analog circuits with low-voltage low-power requirements. These circuits have an important role to play in the increasing trend towards portable products, where battery life is an important design factor. The papers cover design techniques for amplifiers, analog-to-digital converters, micro-power analog filters and medical devices. Part II, Integrated Filters, presents papers which detail nearly all known techniques to construct integrated filters. These filters all use resistors and capacitors to obtain the filtering function due to the low quality of inductors in silicon. Integration of the filtering function on chips is important to reduce system cost and provide greater accuracy. Part III, Smart Power, illustrates up-to-date techniques for implementing thermal detectors and protection networks to improve reliability and the lifetime of many analog devices. These devices are more specifically those with different analog blocks operating at different temperatures. Smart Power is thus never limited to circuit design only, but must also include packaging and cooling considerations; it is system design. Analog Circuit Design is an essential reference source for analog design engineers wishing to keep abreast with the latest developments in the field. The tutorial nature of the contributions also makes the book suitable for use in an advanced course.
This comprehensive source book of circuit design solutions will aid systems designers with elegant and practical design techniques that focus on common circuit design challenges.
Analog Circuit Design
In this companion text to Analog Circuit Design: Art, Science, and Personalities, seventeen contributors present more tutorial, historical, and editorial viewpoints on subjects related to analog circuit design.
The 2nd Edition of Analog Integrated Circuit Design focuses on more coverage about several types of circuits that have increased in importance in the past decade.
This book reflects author Marc Thompson's 30 years of experience designing analog and power electronics circuits and teaching graduate-level analog circuit design, and is the ideal reference for anyone who needs a straightforward ...
This is a trend that is bound to continue for the foreseeable future and while it does, understanding performance trade-offs will constitute a vital part of the analog design process.
This book tackles challenges for the design of analog integrated circuits that operate from ultra-low power supply voltages (down to 0.5V).
Sensors, Actuators and Power Drivers; Integrated Power Amplifiers from Wireline to RF; Very High Frequency Front Ends ... “Silicon millimeterwave radio circuits at 60-100GHz,” Silicon Monolithic Integrated Circuits Conference, pp.
This work presents an effective overview of the principles and techniques for designing circuits to be implemented in CMOS technology.
This is the companion volume to the successful Analog Circuit Design: A Tutorial Guide to Applications and Solutions (October 2011), which has sold over 5000 copies in its the first 6 months of since publication.