This is a review book for people planning to take the PE exam in Chemical Engineering. Prepared specifically for the exam used in all 50 states. It features 188 new PE problems with detailed step by step solutions. The book covers all topics on the exam, and includes easy to use tables, charts, and formulas. It is an ideal desk Companion to DAS's Chemical Engineer License Review. It includes sixteen chapters and a short PE sample exam as well as complete references and an index. Chapters include the following topical areas: material and energy balances; fluid dynamics; heat transfer; evaporation; distillation; absorption; leaching; liq-liq extraction; psychrometry and humidification, drying, filtration, thermodynamics, chemical kinetics, process control, mass transfer, and plant safety. The ideal study guide, this book brings all elements of professional problem solving together in one BIG BOOK. Ideal desk reference. Answers hundreds of the most frequently asked questions. The first truly practical, no-nonsense problems and solution book for the difficult PE exam. Full step-by-step solutions are included.
本书由J.M.Coulson和J.F. Richardson、J.R. Backhurst等 4 人合著。
AIChE Symposium Series
The Compleat Chemical Engineer: A Guide to Critical Thinking
Solutions Manual for Smith, Van Ness, Abbott, Introduction to Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics, 5th Ed
This collection of 15 hands-on experimentsOCoeach of which includes a full set of both student and teacher pagesOCochallenges students to take on the role of scientist and chef, as they boil, bake, and toast their way to better ...
Stampfer, J. E, McLeod, M. J., Betts, M. R., Martinez, A. M., and Berardinelli, S. P., Journal, American Industrial Hygiene Association, Vol. ... Forsberg, K. and Faniadis, S., Journal, American Industrial Hygiene Association, Vol.
Control Syst., 33, 1006–1009 (1960)]; and on the Gentile flow tube (also called Beth flow tube or Foster flow tube) by Hooper [Trans. Am. Soc. Mech. Eng., 72, 1099–1110 (1950)]. The use of a multiventuri system (in which an inner ...
本书由J.M. Coulson和J.F. Richardson、J.R. Backhurst等4人合著。