Contains clear explanations of more than 2,500 scientific terms, and includes listings for 1,000 recommended Web sites.
Matter and chemicals - Energy, motion and machines - Electricity and magnetism - Sound and light - Space and time - Science experiments.
KITTRELL, FLEMMIE PANSY 403 Kistiakowsky, Vera E. (1928– ) American Physicist An activist for women's participation in the sciences, Vera Kistiakowsky has also worked as a research physicist, teacher, and arms control activist.
A general elementary encyclopedia with brief illustrated articles covering an alphabetical array of topics.
Presents encyclopedic information on various fields of scientific study, including physics, chemistry, biology, astronomy, and Earth science.
Contains more than 200 highly illustrated entries that provide information about a range of science topics grouped in twelve subject areas, with charts, statistics, sidebars, and brief biographies.
A milestone in scientific learning, the acclaimed "DK Science Encyclopedia" has been rigorously updated to include new scientific advances, from the internet and CD-ROMs to fresh discoveries in space- Arranged thematically, 2,200 science ...
A glossary at the back provides a quick reference of key science terms, from bacteria and genes to global warming and fossil fuels. First Science Encyclopedia is an ideal starting place for budding scientists.
Welcome to the world of science. This comprehensive visual guide has biology, chemistry, and physics covered for budding scientists everywhere.
Special Features: More than 3,500 indexed references. Thematic arrangement. Important events highlighted. Illustrated biographies of key figures. Cross-references. Comprehensive index. Glossary.
Put your safety goggles on and enter the fascinating world of science with this visually stunning encyclopedia.