The updated sixth edition of A Guide Book of United States Paper Money includes an engaging history of the paper currency of the United States. Every federal note"€"from the ultra rare Demand Notes of 1861 to the lunch money in our wallets today"€"is described and cataloged in detail. Fascinating narrative captures the romance and history of American paper money, and also explores recent developments in the hobby and market, including the newest $100 bill and proposed redesigns of our currency with the portraits of famous American women. The book combines the hobby-standard Friedberg numbering system with retail values and hundreds of high-resolution, full-color photos. With updated and revised content, the sixth edition joins the critically acclaimed first through fifth editions, which have solidly established this book's reputation as a popular and best-selling hobby reference. Features include: More than 20,000 market values; quantities printed; all federal series, plus Fractional Cur
This popular guide book, now in its sixth edition and illustrated with hundreds of hill-color images, tells the story of paper money in the United States from the 1800s to today.
Lists and displays values for paper currency made in the United States.
"The Guide Book of United States Paper Money is a collector s guide to U.S. paper currency from the Civil War era to date.
An engaging history book and a comprehensive catalog of valuations rolled into one, this guide covers all federal series issued from the Civil War to the present day.
A Guide Book of United States Paper Money: Complete Source for History, Grading, and Values
An engaging history book and a comprehensive catalog of valuations rolled into one, this guide covers all federal series issued from the Civil War to the present day Paper-money collectors will appreciate the depth of the research, and ...
Banks in America and throughout the world will find this book especially useful in that it makes possible the immediate identification of all obsolete but still legal tender paper money, while simultaneously giving a market valuation.
This popular guide book, now in its eighth edition and illustrated with hundreds of full-color images, tells the story of paper money in the United Suites from the 1800s to today.
There is only one guide that gives you complete details, photographs and current values of U.S. currency, and this is that book!
The Official American Numismatic Association Grading Standards for United States Coins