A reference on preventing, treating, and coping with dementia, from “one of the most reliable, respected health resources that Americans have” (Publishers Weekly). This book from the world-renowned Mayo Clinic offers an update on what experts know about Alzheimer’s and related dementias, including the latest research into treatment and prevention, ways to live well with dementia, and recommendations for caregivers. While Alzheimer’s disease is the most common type of dementia, many related types also affect adults worldwide, causing loss of memory, reason, judgment, and other cognitive functions. Although the diseases that cause dementia have long been considered unrelenting and incurable, recent advances offer hope. This book includes information about: • What to expect of typical aging and what are the earliest signs of abnormal aging • Memory loss and other forms of cognitive impairment that may lead to dementia • Characteristic features of Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias, including frontotemporal degeneration, Lewy body dementia, and vascular cognitive impairment • The latest research on Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias • Caring for and supporting someone living with dementia Are there ways you can lower your risk? Can dementia be prevented? Can you live well with dementia? If so, how? You’ll find answers to these important questions and more in this book.
A renowned geriatrician shares tips on how families and individuals can live happy, engaged lives after a dementia diagnosis.
New edition, completely rewritten, with new chapters on endovascular surgery and mitochrondrial and ion channel disorders.
A guide to more successful communication for the millions of Americans caring for someone with dementia: “Offers a fresh approach and hope.”—NPR Revolutionizing the way we perceive and live with Alzheimer’s, Joanne Koenig Coste ...
This book will be essential reading for clinicians, neuropathologists and basic neuroscientists who require the firm up-to-date knowledge of mechanisms, diagnostic pathology and genetics of Neurodegenerative diseases that is required for ...
The 36-Hour Day is the definitive dementia care guide.
Find out what to expect from Alzheimer's and dementia Discover what to keep in mind while caring for someone with Alzheimer's or dementia Uncover symptoms, causes, and risk factors of Alzheimer's and dementia Learn the critical information ...
In 2006, the board of directors hired a new president and CEO, the master's in business administration–trained Harry Johns. In his prior work as executive vice president for strategic initiatives at the ...
This completely rewritten, updated new edition, now illustrated in colour, is almost twice the size of its predecessor.
In this section, leading scientists in the field describe the current state of the art of sex and gender differences in clinical aspects of Alzheimer's and potential implications for clinical practice. In Chapter 4, Mielke provides an ...
Sentence-to-picture matching tasks are the most utilized, such as those of the Curtiss–Yamada Comprehensive Language Evaluation (CYCLE) [52]. Tests of mental calculation are likely to be below expectations in lvPPA, and mild signs of ...