Stylistically satirical and piercing, the stories combine Mhlongo's street-smart realism with a truly South African magical realism" -- Back cover.
Explores the origins, causes, and symptoms of affluenza--society's compulsive desire to acquire--and discusses such treatment as strengthening immunity against advertising and minimizing the side effects of over-consumption.
Explores the origins, causes, and symptoms of Affluenza, society's compulsive desire to acquire, and discusses such treatment as strengthening immunity against advertising and minimizing the side-effects of over-consumption.
This new edition puts more focus on the behavior changes we need to make to be certain that the Great Recession does not become a prelude to something worse.
There is currently an epidemic of 'affluenza' throughout the world - an obsessive, envious, keeping-up-with-the-Joneses - that has resulted in huge increases in depression and anxiety among millions. Over a...
Now "The Selfish Capitalist" provides more detailed substantiation for the claims made in "Affluenza.
The Western world is in the grip of a consumerism that is unique in human history.
How Overconsumption Is Killing Us--and How to Fight Back John de Graaf, David Wann, Thomas H. Naylor. 6. “Table 1-45: Air Passenger Travel Arrivals in the United States from Selected Foreign Countries by Flag of Carriers,” US Department ...
In this sparkling book of ideas, Richard Denniss shows we must distinguish between consumerism, the love of buying things, which is undeniably harmful to us and the planet, and materialism, the love of things, which can in fact be ...
Essay from the year 2018 in the subject Sociology - Social System, Social Structure, Class, Social Stratification, grade: 1,0, University of Ljubljana, language: English, abstract: The western world has always been fascinated with the ...
... who Will cab you home or serve a drink or two . They clean your house and fix your swimming pool . a They tend your garden . Drive your kids to school 112 AFFLUENZA !