Another chapter presents a comprehensive framework for tying performance to the budget process. The book provides specific examples of how performance information has been used to dramatically improve program outcomes.
Through the Government Performance and Results Act (GPRA), Congress has sought to improve federal management and instill a greater focus on results.
Performance budgeting links expected results to spending decisions . This can be done within an agency , by the Office of Management and Budget , and by Congress . The Bush administration has committed to submitting performance budgets ...
Based on five years of extensive research by the Government Performance Project, this volume offers a comprehensive analysis of how government managers and elected officials use management and management systems to improve performance.
Managing for results: federal managers' views show need for ensuring top leadership skills
During the past decade, Congress has encouraged a focus on results and improved Fed. mgmt. by enacting a results-oriented statutory framework that calls for performance-based mgmt.
Managing for results enhancing agency use of performance information for management decision making: report to the Chairman, Subcommittee on Government...
Managing for Results: Opportunities for Congress to Address Government Performance Issues
This volume is a rich compendium of experience and diverse views about systems for introducing greater rationality in American governmental systems.
The benefits are ample, so are the challenges. This book describes both, along with practical steps taken by practitioners to make government work better.