New Proclamation: Advent through Holy Week. Advent

New Proclamation: Advent through Holy Week. Advent
New Proclamation
Augsburg Fortress Pub
Robert Kysar


Since 1974, the Proclamation series has been the essential companion for preachers seeking excellence and integrity in their sermons. Frequently imitated and always indispensable, Proclamation has continually enlisted leading biblical scholars and homileticians to provide the best in creative, searching, and responsible interpretation of the biblical lectionary texts. Now, nearly twenty-five years later, New Proclamation continues this renowned heritage with a larger one-volume format and innovative new approaches and features, including: -- introductions to the liturgical seasons with an eye toward preaching; -- brief exegesis of the lessons and homiletical reflections on their themes; -- references to culture, media, and contemporary events and practical suggestions on incorporating these in sermons; -- a reader-friendly, workbook design. Designed for those who use the Revised Common Lectionary, the Roman Catholic lectionary, and the Episcopal lectionary, New Proclamation assists preach in -- understanding the biblical readings; -- developing effective, Gospel-centered sermons faithful to the texts and the liturgical seasons; -- preaching the Gospel in a way that is true to the Christian tradition and relevant for our day.

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