A leading textbook for world religion, this new edition is designed to help students in their study and research of the world's religious traditions. Known and valued for its balanced approach and its respected board of consulting editors, this text addresses ways to study religion, provides broad coverage of diverse religions, and offers an arresting layout with rich illustrations. The second edition has new and extended primary source readings, a stronger section on the Religions of South Asia, additional maps, a new full-color, student-friendly format, and more.
In World Religions, Gerald R. McDermott explains what you need to understand about major world religions so that you can be equipped to engage people of other faiths.
In the fourth valley the seeker's heart opens up and is struck by the beauty of the Beloved One (maḥbūb). During this phase of the spiritual journey the mystic knower goes through the blackest night -- and the secret of divine guidance ...
This edition includes several updates made to the new third edition, including a new design, a new section on women and religion, and a newly revised section on religions in today's world.
The book is divided into three units. Unit I explores the Vedic religions--Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, and Sikhism.
With an emphaisis on communities of faith, this accessible book will introduce students to the classic texts, important events, key figures, defining rituals, essential creeds and symbols of world religions.
A new and expanded edition of a highly successful textbook on world religions with a comparative approach which explores how six major religions are lived and expressed through their customs, rituals and everyday practices.
The book concludes with three essays reflecting on the global religious scene. Taken together, these essays provide a concise, authoritative, and highly readable introduction to the state of worldwide religion in the 21st century.
This is an indispensable text for college and other courses related to introducing world religions not only in the West but also in the East. Timely and properly written in this global age of cross-cultural necessity.
World Religions in Practice introduces five of the world's great religions – Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam – and explores how they are lived and expressed in custom, ritual, and symbol.
With an emphaisis on communities of faith, this accessible book will introduce students to the classic texts, important events, key figures, defining rituals, essential creeds and symbols of world religions.