We need a license to drive, but the most important thing many of us will do in our lives requires no license or training--raising children. And since parents receive no preparation for raising another human being, they often question their own abilities and feel vulnerable to making mistakes. The Birth to Five Book offers parents practical, down-to-earth help and success strategies for this big responsibility. Whether raising an infant, toddler, or preschooler--or all of them at once!--young parents will love this collection of commonsense advice. From feeding and reading to discipline, toilet training, and play, it's all here in simple terms that any parent can put to work immediately.
The Childwise Catalog: a consumer guide to buying the safest and best products for your children
World-renowned specialists answer all your questions about your child's birth, health, and development.Here is your complete, authoritative guide to caring for babies and young children from conception to age five....
Advice from teachers on how to halt homework battles and help children with reading, math, science, test preparation, and more.
This booklet discusses and provides suggestions for meeting the educational needs of gifted girls. The first chapter, "The Needs of Gifted Girls," describes the problem of underachievement among gifted girls...
"Growing Together" charts baby's typical development by monthly chapters from birth to toddlerhood. Black & white and many color photos illustrate the growth of motor, language, social, and cognitive skills....
Today’s children face a great deal of stress — academic performance, heavy scheduling, high achievement standards, media messages, peer pressures, family tension. Without healthier solutions, they often cope by talking...
Now the theory and research behind the positive behavior support (PBS) process — an approach already proven effective in schools and community programs — has been transformed into a practical,...
Renowned psychotherapist and lesbian parent April Martin combines her expertise and professional perspectives with first-person stories from gay and lesbian parents to address the many questions and important issues associated...
Examines why traditional disciplining methods do not work at home or in the classroom and explains how to change children's behavior by emphasizing such skills as cooperation, self-discipline, responsibility, and...
Since the inception of its program of Standards development, CWLA has formulated a series of Standards based on current knowledge, the developmental needs of children, and tested ways of meeting...