Jack Hayford explains the basics of baptism with the Holy Spirit, clearly defining the term using Scripture, and addresses the issues of timing, speaking in tongues, and attitude.
was bringing me to the stark realization that just because you are a trained church worker involved with spiritual work and spiritual tools does not automatically guarantee you the abundant life that Jesus promised His followers .
Be Filled with the Spirit
Kenneth E. Hagin will teach you how to received the Holy Spirit and gain faith.
And these books became his most controversial when he defended the view that charismatic gifts continue in the church. Joy Unspeakable and The Sovereign Spirit have been combined in this volume.
Genuine Prosperity: The Power to Get Wealth
Gifts That Shape Your Life and Change Your World
Quote from the author: "These are my personal study notes.
Ministering the Baptism in the Holy Spirit
This work tells the story of Holy Spirit fever, the spiritual revival gaining popularity in the evangelical churches.
The Baptism in the Holy Spirit