Joining many other recently found and publicized "gospels," the Gospel of Judas has found its way into the limelight as the subject of some recently published books and some recent television programming. The ancient manuscript is genuine-so what are Christians to make of the claims therein? Claims such as -Judas was doing what Jesus asked him to do when he betrayed Jesus -Jesus came to offer secret knowledge of how to escape this earthly world, rather than to usher in God's kingdom on earth -Jesus felt no pain on the cross -and more This timely and necessary response to the Gospel of Judas is the authoritative, orthodox word on what it really tells us--and does not tell us--about Jesus, Judas, early Christianity, and Gnosticism. Tom Wright, as both a bishop and an historian, is uniquely qualified to speak on the subject and answers the questions Christians have after encountering this "new gospel."
Wolfson's study of Spinoza remains the most detailed analysis of any particular thinker's doctrine of God in the seventeenth - century ! Here , again , there is far better coverage devoted to the philosophers of the seventeenth century ...
The Great Awakening in New England
This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work is in the public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations.
Miller, Perry, The New England Mind: The Seventeenth Century, New York, 1937; The New England Mind: From Colony to Province, Cambridge, Mass., 1953; Miller, Perry and Thomas H. Johnson, eds., The Puritans, 2 vols., New York, 1963, 1964.
Interpreting the Great Awakening of the eighteenth century was in large part the work of Jonathan Edwards; whose writings on the subject defined the revival tradition in America.
In his Sword of the Lord magazine , Rice looked at the goings - on in Madison Square Garden and chided Graham and evangelicals in general : " Old - time Bible - believing fundamentalists insist that the Bible clearly forbids yoking up ...
349 : Hereford , Dover cartulary , Lambeth Palace Library ms 241 , fos . 228v - 229r : Stafford , Cambridge Clare College , ms 1. 8 of St Gregory's Dialogues , the flyleaf contains a letter from one Walter de Cantilupe , archdeacon of ...
另一方面,愛爾蘭的宣教士已在英國北部(包括蘇格蘭)建立了凱爾特(Celtic)傳統的教會, 36 當羅馬教會的宣教士進入英國北部時, ... 教會跟隨羅馬的傳統,威爾弗里德(Wilfrid,634—709)成為約克(York)的主教,約克和坎特伯雷分別成為英國北部和南部的教會中心。
教宗方濟各對身處疫情中的全球民眾 最雄辯又溫暖的邀請 我們是世界的共同創造者 這究竟是COVID-19引起的亂象, 還是COVID-19終於讓我們看見亂象? 這是否正是病毒的提問: ...
De trinitate . Edited , with an introduction by Bruno Switalski . Toronto : Pontifical Institute of Medieval Studies , 1976 . The Trinity , or the First Principle . Translated by Roland J. Teske and Francis C. Wade .