Evangelical Dictionary of World Missions

Evangelical Dictionary of World Missions
Religion / Biblical Reference / Dictionaries & Encyclopedias
Baker Books
A. Scott Moreau


The Evangelical Dictionary of World Missions contains more than 1,400 articles on the theory, practice, theology, and history of missions. A comprehensive, one-volume reference, it not only provides a wealth of information on the topic of world missions, it also offers a contemporary study of the subject from an evangelical perspective. Over three hundred missionaries, theologians, and educators from a variety of cultural, denominational, and ethnic backgrounds contribute their expertise to provide a broad survey of the history of world missions as well as current trends and research. The Evangelical Dictionary of World Missions, a Christianity Today 2001 Book Award winner, is a valuable research tool for professors and students in their study of world missions. It is also a readily accessible resource for clergy and lay persons interested in the history of world missions and its continuing progress. - Publisher.

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