The Parables: Understanding the Stories Jesus Told

The Parables: Understanding the Stories Jesus Told
The Parables
Religion / Biblical Studies / General
Baker Publishing Group
Simon J. Kistemaker


The parables are rich with guidance, but sometimes they're hard to decipher. In this book, all of Jesus' parables and most of his parabolic sayings from the Synoptic Gospels are explained and interpreted from an evangelical perspective. Careful attention is given to the historical and cultural setting of each story, offering practical insight into Jesus' words. The entire text of each parable is included, followed by the author's commentary. The parables' applications for the Christian life make this book a valuable sermon or lesson preparation tool.

Originally published in 1980 as The Parables of Jesus, this revised book contains recent study on the parables and is now more accessible to lay readers, students, teachers, and pastors. Technical details appear in endnotes for those who want to do further study.

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