A powerful call to action to bring reconciliation and restoration to broken communities.
This kind of dynamic faith has empowered the church during the past seventeen years to create a ministry that includes, ... Shopping Plaza in the area and renovating it into the Power Center for economic and community-building activity.
... areas where West European countries had earlier maintained political and cultural links.61 Pressure for resettling Third World refugees was relieved by improved 110 Beyond Charity.
These were people whose existence did not literally depend upon charity but who belonged to the urban population with the ... persons who through various circumstances beyond their control had been thrust into conditions of poverty .
For professionals or volunteers entering the field of philanthropy, each chapter offers an opening essay that highlights abiding issues in the field. The stories and characters that illuminate these themes make the history come to life.
With more than 18 million refugees worldwide, the refugee problem has fostered an intense debate regarding what political changes are necessary in the international system to provide effective solutions in...
Beyond Charity: 10 Years of Oxfam India
Beyond Charity: U.S. Voluntary Aid for a Changing Third World
Beyond Charity: Charities and Vol Sect
Those efforts were undermined to some degree by the decision of Mayor Hewitt not to attend the meeting. This was not a complete victory for De Costa, however. In a letter of regret addressed to Charles Kellogg that was read to the crowd ...
Going Beyond Charity: How Can Government and Philanthropy Collaborate More Effectively?