We learn from an early age that nothing is quite so dead as a dodo. We've heard stories of flocks of passenger pigeons once darkening the skies over North America, only to be reduced to a single bird, Martha, who perished in Cincinnati, Ohio, in 1914. Errol Fuller's gloriously illustrated Extinct Birds provides details of the natural history and fates of more than 80 species of birds now believed to be gone forever. In a lively, compelling style, Fuller conveys accurate scientific and historical information about the lives, times, and disappearances of bird species since 1600. Fuller's species accounts are vivid reminders of what birds, precisely, the world has already lost. The physical evidence provided by preserved specimens is given narrative texture with Fuller's use of eyewitness accounts of the lives (and, in many cases, the last days) of bird species from all over the world. Nearly all the accounts in Extinct Birds are illustrated with breathtaking color plates, many by artists, including Audubon, Keulemans, and Lear, who had the advantage of working from fresh specimens or even from living birds. These paintings, beautiful in their own right, are also primary sources of scientific knowledge. Birds for which appropriate illustrations did not already exist are shown in new paintings produced especially for this book.The revised edition of Extinct Birds includes several species—among them three from North America—not covered in the original 1987 edition. More happily, two species have been rediscovered in the intervening years, and several others in danger of being declared extinct have been located again. By describing in words and pictures the beauty and diversity of those birds already lost to extinction, Fuller inspires us to do what we can to prevent future editions of Extinct Birds from drawing new chapters from the field guides of today.
This compelling story of heroism and tenacious human spirit— the first book to look at this momentous new movement—brings alive one of its most astonishing victories.
The designer was Major John Wesley Powell , a man Any number of levels of scale might emerge in the future , whom one does not usually think of as a shaper of landscapes but for the present , all we can do is group the possible or even ...
In 1991 , the Spence - Moriarty property ( 37,000 acres adjacent tə the Inberg - Roy ) was purchased . Now administering enough winter habitat , WGFD removed the thirteen miles of elk fence . WGFD sets herd - unit objectives based on ...
Volume 2: Management, Use and Value of Wetlands Donal D. Hook, W. H. Mckee Jr, H. K. Smith, J. Gregory, V. G. Burrell Jr, ... Chapter Thirty - four AQUACULTURE IN MANGROVE WETLANDS : A PERSPECTIVE FROM SOUTHEAST ASIA James P. McVey ...
50. Parry , G. D. R. and Bell , R. M. , Covering systems , in Contaminated Land : Reclamation and Treatment , Smith , M. A. , Ed . , Plenum Press , London , 1985 , 113 . 51. Cairney , T. C. , Soil cover reclamations , in Reclaiming ...
... 135 Civilian Conservation Corps , 21 Clark , William , 361 Clarke - McNary Act , 13 Clawson , Marion , 53 , 225 Clean ... 298 Caldwell , C. K. , 302 California , conservation education in , 306 Callicott , J. Baird , 11 , 24 Capen ...
Robert W. Adler, Jessica C. Landman, Diane M. Cameron. 32 33 35 37 39 41 42 43 45 47 48 Chesapeake Executive Council, The Chesapeake Bay... A Progress Report 1990–1991 (1991), 5, 12. Tom Horton and William M. Eichbaum, Turning the Tide, ...
For more than a century the history of the American Frontier, particularly the West, has been the speciality of the Arthur H. Clark Company.
A new vision is sweeping through ecological science: The dense web of dependencies that makes up an ecosystem has gained an added dimension-the dimension of time. Every field, forest, and...
... 论述了建设绿色北京的城市战略,是促进北京市可持续发展、提升居民幸福感指数的重要基础;郝文.