The Birds of Costa Rica: A Field Guide

Comstock Pub Assoc
Richard Garrigues


"Graced with bounteous natural beauty, a stable democratic government, and friendly citizens, Costa Rica has become a popular destination for travelers from all over the world. Birds play a prominent role in attracting visitors, too. The shimmering quetzals, gaudy macaws, and comical toucans only begin to hint at the impressive avian diversity to be found throughout this small country."—from the IntroductionThis is the one field guide the novice or experienced birder needs to identify birds in the field in the diverse habitats found in Costa Rica. It features descriptions and illustrations of more than 820 resident and neotropical migrant species found in Costa Rica, all in a compact, portable, user-friendly design. The detailed full-color illustrations show identifying features—including plumage differences among males, females, and juveniles—and views of birds in flight wherever pertinent. Additional features of this all-new guide include:* 166 original color plates depicting more than 820 species.* Concise text that describes key field marks for positive identification, as well as habitat, behavior, and vocalizations. * Range maps and texts arranged on opposing pages from illustrations for quick, easy reference.* The most up-to-date bird list for Costa Rica. * A visual guide to the anatomical features of birds with accompanying explanatory text. * Quick reference to vultures and raptors in flight.

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