From the raucous mantled howler monkeys and the charismatic white-nosed coatis to the elusive jaguar, The Mammals of Costa Rica offers authoritative accounts of the fascinating creatures of the neotropics. With more than four hundred spectacular illustrations and a wealth of detailed information drawn from firsthand observation, new research, and synthesis of the scientific literature, this book describes all of Costa Rica's readily identifiable terrestrial and freshwater mammals. The clear and entertaining text is perfectly suited to meet the needs of naturalists, students, and researchers, as well as both experienced and first-time visitors to Costa Rica and the American tropics. The mammal descriptions include key identification features, range maps, vocalizations, local folklore and mythology, and comprehensive information about natural history and conservation. The color illustrations show not only the mammals themselves but also their tracks, foods, and skulls. Also included are illustrations of numerous other animals and plants with which the mammals have close ecological links. By presenting mammals in a broader context, The Mammals of Costa Rica provides an entry point into a general study of tropical ecology and conservation.
Green above ; dark cheek ; long , white eye stripe ; straight bill . Male has shiny turquoise crown ; purple throat ( rest of underparts grayish green ) ; dark - blue tail . Female lacks turquoise crown ; entirely rufous below ...
Describes Costa Rica's readily identifiable terrestrial and freshwater mammals. This book features illustrations that show not only the mammals themselves, but also their tracks, scats, dens, and anatomical details.
Includes illustrations, photos, range maps, and box topics with natural history information. The book is arranged taxonomically, with most attention given to species rather than higher orders"--
To help visitors, as well as local residents, identify and enjoy the wildlife of Costa Rica, Carrol L. Henderson published Field Guide to the Wildlife of Costa Rica in 2002, and it instantly became the indispensable guide.
This is the only comprehensive guide to mammals in Central America and southeast Mexico. Unlike most field guides, it covers smaller mammals in depth and also provides and extensive bibliography.
Mammals of Costa Rica
Houghton Mifflin Co., Boston. Pohl, R. W. 1980. Family #15, Graminae. Flora Costaricensis. W. Burger (ed.). Fieldiana Botany New Series No. 4. Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago. Pounds, W. Z. 1987. Common Flowering Plants of the ...
Costa Rica mammals: 100 species
"Field guide for identifying birds in the field in Costa Rica.
Mammals of Costa Ric: Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History