Kaiser Permanente is the largest managed care organization in the country. It also happens to have the largest and most complex labor-management partnership ever created in the United States. This book tells the story of that partnership-how it started, how it grew, who made it happen, and the lessons to be learned from its successes and complications. With twenty-seven unions and an organization as complex as 8.6-million-member Kaiser Permanente, establishing the partnership was not a simple task and maintaining it has proven to be extraordinarily challenging. Thomas A. Kochan, Adrienne E. Eaton, Robert B. McKersie, and Paul S. Adler are among a team of researchers who have been tracking the evolution of the partnership between Kaiser Permanente and the Coalition of Kaiser Permanente Unions ever since 2001. They review the history of health care labor relations and present a profile of Kaiser Permanente as it has developed over the years. They then delve into the partnership, discussing its achievements and struggles, including the negotiation of the most innovative collective bargaining agreements in the history of American labor relations. Healing Together concludes with an assessment of the Kaiser partnership's effect on the larger health care system and its implications for labor-management relations in other industries.
When one or both partners in a relationship experience a major traumatic event, the strain can really put the relationship in jeopardy; Healing Together offers couples simple techniques for communicating, regaining trust, and supporting one ...
This book is for people in relationships where either partner has faced trauma in any of its forms: violence, natural disasters, war, life-threatening accidents, crime, health problems, or loss of a loved one.
Throughout the book are fascinating stories.... In addition, this book has various exercises that lead us to inner peace.
In the book, Murthy also shares his own deeply personal experiences with the subject—from struggling with loneliness in school, to the devastating loss of his uncle who succumbed to his own loneliness, as well as the important example of ...
Emotional Healing is a practical, compassionate companion for anyone who feels that their emotional wounds are preventing them from fully embracing life. Learn to feel like yourself again.
Explains why you find yourself in painful relationships and give a course of action for developing healthy ones, with a questionnaire to assist you.
Based on the only program that’s been tested--and proven--to relieve destructive emotions in the wake of infidelity, this compassionate book offers support and expert advice from a team of award-winning couple therapists.
... HEALING THE HIVE RITUAL At this point in the journey of working with We Heal Together , you've moved through a lot of rituals and practices , and it is time for you to design your own . This ritual is about healing together , in ...
The series began as a personal project in 2006 as a means of art therapy for Chris as he recovered from acute myelogenous leukemia, a cancer of the blood. The premise was to draw one animal each day.
Prayers from a broad spectrum of spiritual traditions celebrate the profound variety of ways men around the world have called out to the Divine--with words of joy, praise, gratitude, wonder, petition and even anger--from the ancient world ...