"Field guide for identifying birds in the field in Costa Rica. Includes descriptions, range maps, and illustrations of all 903 species definitely known from Costa Rica, including pelagics and species regular to Cocos Island. Includes alphabetical quick-find indexes of groups and families on the inside back cover"--
238 (bottom); p. 239 (top); p. 240 (bottom); p. 241 (bottom); p. 243 (Golden-browed Chlorophonia, top & bottom); Gregory Basco: p. 19 (bottom); p. 20 (bottom right); p.218 (middle); Cindy Beckman: p. 210(bottom); David B. Bernstein: p.
President “Don Pepe” Figueres visited Dr. Archie Carr and graduate student David Ehrenfeld to see the green turtle nesting beaches at Tortuguero. He was considering a proposal to protect the area as a national park.
For information , address Cornell University Press , Sage House , 512 East State Street , Ithaca , New York 14850 . First published 1989 by Cornell University Press First printing , Cornell Paperbacks , 1989 Printed in the United States ...
... Pl.8 Broad - winged , 99 , 88 , P1.9 Common Black- , 95 , 100 , P1.8 Cooper's , 93 , 439 Crane , 93 , 100 , P1.8 ... 205 , P1.13 Heron , Agami , 72 , Pl.1 Bare - throated Tiger- , 68 , Pl.1 Black - crowned Night- , 72 , P1.2 Boat ...
Ideal for the travelling nature watcher, this useful guide provides a comprehensive overview of the variety of bird-life to be found in Costa Rica.
This easy-to-use identification guide to the 280 bird species most commonly seen in Costa Rica is perfect for resident and visitor alike.
The shimmering quetzals, gaudy macaws, and comical toucans that populate tourism posters only begin to hint at the impressive avian diversity to be found throughout this small country.The principal objective of this book is to help you ...
VOICE Call (1) a rapid, slightly nasal, laughlike series that rises steeply then gradually drops in pitch wiiiiiiiieeeeeeee- uh. Crane Hawk Geranospiza caerulescens 43–52cm MX to SA. Uncommon and local resident in lowlands and foothills ...
This useful handbook includes numerous features: - details on fifty-three top birding locations from across the country; - Species to Expect lists inform readers of birds that can be found at featured sites; especially common birds are ...
This superb new guide features 53 top birding locations throughout the country, grouped into six regions that reflect avian distribution in Costa Rica.