Conventional Deterrence is a book about the origins of war. Why do nations faced with the prospect of large-scale conventional war opt for or against an offensive strategy? John J. Mearsheimer examines a number of crises that led to major conventional wars to explain why deterrence failed. He focuses first on Allied and German decision making in the years 1939-1940, analyzing why the Allies did not strike first against Germany after declaring war and, conversely, why the Germans did attack the West. Turning to the Middle East, he examines the differences in Israeli and Egyptian strategic doctrines prior to the start of the major conventional conflicts in that region. Mearsheimer then critically assays the relative strengths and weaknesses of NATO and the Warsaw Pact to determine the prospects for conventional deterrence in any future crisis. He is also concerned with examining such relatively technical issues as the impact of precision-guided munitions (PGM) on conventional deterrence and the debate over maneuver versus attrition warfare.Mearsheimer pays considerable attention to questions of military strategy and tactics. Challenging the claim that conventional detrrence is largely a function of the numerical balance of forces, he also takes issue with the school of thought that ascribes deterrence failures to the dominance of "offensive" weaponry. In addition to examining the military consideration underlying deterrence, he also analyzes the interaction between those military factors and the broader political considerations that move a nation to war.
Strengthening Conventional Deterrence In Europe: A Detailed Program For The 1980s
This open access volume surveys the state of the field to examine whether a fifth wave of deterrence theory is emerging.
This book sets out in great detail the conventional choices and priorities we face. Within the nuclear shield their careful selection will remain the only lasting guarantee of peace. Rt Hon MICHAEL HESELTINE, MP Notes on the ...
This idea is developed in somewhat different ways in Ken Booth , Strategy and Ethnocentrism ( London : Croom , Helm , 1973 ) , and Colin Gray , “ National Style in Strategy , The American Example , ” International Security 6 , no .
This book studies the obstacles to conventional deterrence, deterrence Soviet style, Soviet incentives for conventional deterrence and arms control.
Taiwan is a flourishing liberal democracy and a key player in the global economy.
This book offers a reconceptualisation of conventional deterrence theory, and applies it to enduring rivalries in the Middle East.
Israel and Conventional Deterrence: Border Warfare from 1953 to 1970
Conventional Deterrence and National Security
This report is a product of the European Security Study (ESECS) on improving conventional defense and deterrence in Europe, examining questions of technical feasibility, military effectiveness, costs and other aspects of the ESECS proposals ...