109. David Noel Freedman , “ Pottery , Poetry , and Prophecy : An Essay on Biblical Poetry , ” Journal of Biblical Literature 96 ( 1977 ) : 24 . 110. Stephen A. Geller , “ Were the Prophets Poets ? ” Prooftexts 3 ( 1983 ) : 211-21 .
Addresses the relationship between the language of ritual and poetic language
This collection of prophetic poems invites you to encounter the Tree of Life and find deep rest and refreshment at the center of the Gospel message.
“ The First Neo - Confucianism : An Introduction to Yang Hsiung's ' Canon of Supreme Mystery ' ( T'ai hsua ching , ca. 4 B.C.E. ) . ” In Charles Le Blanc and Susan Blader , eds . , Chinese Ideas About Nature and Society ; Studies in ...
The books of the Latter Prophets have traditionally been treated as persuasive speeches, and interpreted according to their rhetoric.
In this volume, a list of esteemed scholars engage with the literary readings of prophetic and poetic texts in the Hebrew Bible that revolve around sensitivity to the complexity of language, the fragility of meaning, and the interplay of ...
"A collection of articles and essays, practically all of which were published during the 1970's."
The poetic books of the Old Testament--Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Solomon--are often called humankind's reach toward God. The other books of the Old Testament picture God's reach toward man through the redemptive story.
... of prophetic discourse in part made possible by figurative language , see Peter Ackroyd , " The Vitality of the Word of God in the Old Testament , " Annual of the Swedish Theological Institute in Jerusalem 1 ( 1962 ) , 7-23 . 39.
The book takes its title from William Blake's poem presenting the American Revolution as not only a powerful, promising and problematic historical event but the birth of a new development in man's consciousness—one that finds complex ...
Prose Poetry & Prophecy