"[Girard's] methods of extrapolating to find cultural history behind myths, and of reading hidden verification through silence, are worthy enrichments of the critic's arsenal." -- John Yoder, Religion and Literature.
For his part, John has no choice but to take the Frenchman's place - as master of a chateau, director of a failing business, head of a large and embittered family, and keeper of too many secrets.".
Nazi cows, Picassos used as tampons, and a pair of arthritic feet that speak in the voices of Flaubert’s Bouvard and Pécuchet are standard fare in this beguiling novel of odd characters, surprising circumstances, and intuitive leaps, all ...
In a novel about casual and heedless acts that often lead to unthinkable results, Mary Lee Settle traces the fall of a West Virginia town that was first made rich...
A vivid portrayal of a nation in which corruption pervades, and an exploration of the underside of contemporary Nigerian society. When a solider comes to power, he promises to address...
Atthe heart of this book istheissue of scapegoating and sacrifice: howis it thatindividuals and nations endup taking the blame for eventsthathave many complicated causes?Can thisever bejustified? Thenovel explores these questions from ...
The Scapegoat tells the story of a highly talented college football coach silenced by legal constraints.
Pathetic, contrite and hapless, Benjamin is nonetheless the scapegoat at The Store: there is nothing for which he cannot be blamed.
The Scandinavian imagination seems obsessed with the concept of guilt - an obsession Norwegian novelist Borgen (1902-79) appears to fully share. This novel's main character, Matias Roos, is a splintered...
From medieval witch burning to reality TV, this is a brilliantly relevant and timely social history that looks at the obsession, mania, persecution, and injustice of scapegoating. “A wry, entertaining study of the history of blame . . .
A groundbreaking search for the origins of this expression, Flesh Becomes Word traces the scapegoat to its origins in Mesopotamian ritual across centuries of typological interpretation and religious reflection, to its first informal uses in ...