At a time when society is demanding accountability from the medical education system and residency review committees are demanding written curricula, this book offers a practical, yet theoretically sound, approach to curriculum development in medicine. Short, practical, and generic in its approach, the book begins with an overview of a six-step approach to curriculum development. Each succeeding chapter then covers one of the six steps: problem identification, targeted needs assessment, goals and objectives, education methods, implementation, and evaluation. Additional chapters address curriculum maintenance, enhancement, and dissemination. Throughout, examples are used to illustrate major points. An appendix provides the reader with a selected list of published and unpublished resources on funding, faculty development, and already developed curricula.
Ben shu lun shu le mei guo ke cheng li lun jin 170 nian de fa (1828~1994), zhong dian lun shu le mei guo ke cheng ling yu jing guo " gai nian zhong jian " zhi hou de fa zhan.
Obama gives go-ahead for NCLB waivers to states. Education Week's Blog. Retrieved from http.// Phillips, V. & Wong, ...
Designing the School Day: A Do-it-yourself Manual
At the same time, teachers play a crucial role as interpreters of such materials. This book examines how to make the most of the potential of curricular resources to support classroom work.
Helps students to understand the world and their place within it. It covers a diverse range of topics from civics and citizenship through to politics and globalism for secondary students.
Developed to meet the needs of a survey course covering from prehistory-1765 to the present.
Previous editions have Peter Oliva as only author.
Head Start Preschool Programs: Building a High/Scope Program
Curriculum Studies and Educational Planning