Sweet, University of California, Santa Barbara; Michael J. Tyler, University of Adelaide, Australia; Zhao Er-Mi, Chengdu Institute of Biology, Peoples Republic of China
Manz , R. , 1975 , Die Fusionsfrequenzen der Kehlkopfmuskeln McLaren , I. A. , and J. M. Cooley ... Marcus , H. , 1908 , Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Gymnophionen , MacNamara , M. C. , 1977 , Food habits of terrestrial adult mi- II .
This book analyzes different facets of anuran amphibian distribution in South America.
... W. R. 353 Todd, B. D. 204, 206, 223, 231, 233, 235, 236 Todd, M. J. 284, 286, 288, 292 toe clipping 32, 123, 124, ... 1798, 180, 247 Toledo, R. C. 373, 375, 389 Tonge, S. 522 total dissolved solids, see TDS total suspended solids, ...
Thompson, L. G., M. E. Davis, E. Mosley-Thompson, T. A. Sowers, K. A. Henderson, V. S. Zagorodnov, P.-N. Lin, V. N. Mikhalenko, R. K. Campden, J. F. Bolzan, J. Cole-Dai, and B. Francou. 1998. A 25,000 year tropical climate history from ...
An illustrated easy-to-read introduction to the world of amphibians and reptiles, including habitats, geographical distribution, food and behavior patterns.
During the past few years the field has continued to grow, yet it has been plagued by scarcity of comprehensive, up-to-date textbooks containing the most important developments. This timely book fills that void.
"Assays of assemblages of amphibians and reptiles provide important information on community structure in the tropics. These ectothermic organisms are highly responsive to slight differences in the environment and to...
Until now, no detailed treatment of the Pennsylvania herpetofauna has ever been published, nor have recent books dealt with the herpetofauna of the entire northeastern United States. Amphibians and Reptiles...
The National Capital Region Network has identified amphibians as a priority taxonomic group for its Inventory and Monitoring program.
The second edition of the Field Guide to Amphibians and Reptiles of Illinois offers up-to-date information on the state’s 102 species of frogs and toads, salamanders, turtles, lizards, and snakes.