Recently extinct genera, such as the giant lemurs of Madagascar, are covered in full Text summaries present well-documented descriptions of the physical characteristics and living habits of primates in every part of the world."--BOOK JACKET.
... weaned at 61-70 days and become sexually mature at 11 months ( Bekoff 1975 ; Koenig 1970 ) . One captive lived 14 years and 7 months ( Jones 1982 ) . Although it does no harm to human interests , the fennec is intensively hunted by ...
Rotection , Russian Federation , Moscow , 110– dale Press , Emmaus , Pennsylvania , 240 pp . 24 . Russell , W.C. , E.T. Thorne , R. Oakleaf , and J. D. Ballou . 1994. The genetic basis of blackfooted ferret reintroduction . Conserv .
This text is intended not only for researchers dealing with primate locomotion, but equally for students and others who share an interest in mammals and locomotor adaptations.
" This book documents in text and photographs how wild animals in the Congo Basin, particularly the Great Apes but also chimpanzees, bonobos, and gorillas, are slaughtered and used for human consumption.
The discovery of the Nariokotome Homo erectus skeleton, a milestone in the history of paleoanthropology, is fully documented in this book.
This work provides a comprehensive and state-of-the-art synthesis of research principles and applied management practices for primate conservation.
Discusses primate evolution, behavior, and classification, and provides detailed information and illustrations, arranged geographically, on every family and nearly three hundred species.
This unparalleled collection of scientific information on, and photographs of, Mexican wildlife belongs on the shelf of every mammalogist, in public and academic libraries, and in the hands of anyone curious about Mexico and its wildlife.
The book lists the important features of an OHSP and provides the tools necessary for informed decision-making in developing an optimal program that meets all particular institutional needs.
... or gut microbiota offer insights into the specialized digestive and metabolic processes associated with different kinds of diets (Yildirim et al., 2010; Gomez et al., 2015; Amato and Stumpf, 2019; Frankel 184et al., 2019).