The dime novel and dude ranch, the barbecue and rodeo, the suburban ranch house and the urban cowboy—all are a direct legacy of nineteenth-century cowboy life that still enlivens American popular culture. Yet at the same time, reports of environmental destruction or economic inefficiency have motivated calls for restricted livestock grazing on public lands or even for an end to ranching altogether. In Let the Cowboy Ride, Starrs offers a detailed and comprehensive look at one of America's most enduring institutions. Richly illustrated with more than 130 photographs and maps, the book combines the authentic detail of an insider's view (Starrs spent six years working cattle on the high desert Great Basin range) with a scholar's keen eye for objective analysis.
105. Starrs, Let the Cowboy Ride, 58. 106. Teresa Jordan, Riding the White Horse Home (New York: Vintage Books, 1993), 108. 107. Karen R. Merrill, “Domesticated Bliss: Ranchers and Their Animals,” in Across the Great Divide: Cultures of ...
... 368n12 smallpox, 218, 308 Smith, Frank (cultural informant), 178–79 Smith, Jedediah, 258, 263, 369n18 Smith, Joseph, 4, 189, 240, 273 Smith Creek Valley (nv), 123, 125–26, 127, 128, 130 Smithsonian Institution, 105 Snake River (id), ...
Seconds, minutes, or hours passed, he didn't know. To Cooney it was a timeless interlude until Stone spoke. “She is here,”he said. “What does she look like?” asked Cooney politely. “She is a redtailed hawk with the head ofa fox.
Disney characters introduce Western lore with handicraft projects, games, recipes, songs, and other activities.
and let Rex gallop to his heart's desire. ... I've learned to believe in true love and a couple riding off into the sunset together. ... “I'd let a cowboy ride off with me, but only the cowboy sitting beside me right now.
The Cowboy: An Unconventional History of Civilization on the Old-Time Cattle Range. ... An entertaining and valuable early study of cowboys and the cattle industry. ... Slatta, Richard W. The Cowboy Encyclopedia.
[Menage Amour: Erotic Cowboy Menage a Quatre Romance, M/F/M/M, BDSM, sex toys] Samantha has one week off work to explore the country, never expecting a snowstorm to nearly take her life.
Never draw a line in the sand that you don't want crossed.
See Erosion Southern Africa anti-desertification policies, 119 British colonial rule, 102–106, 119 Stamp, Dudley, 249n Stebbing, Edward P., 129–130, 144, 145, 239n56 Strabo, 26–27, 28, 34, 90, 194n48 Stringer, Lindsay, 162 Swift, ...
... Cowboy Thank the Cowboy for the Ride I Want to Be a Cowboy's Sweetheart That's the Way a Cowboy Rocks and Rolls It's a Cowboy Lovin' Night Urban Cowboys, Outlaws, Cavaliers Jo and the Cowboy Just Another Cowboy Song Weekend Cowboys ...