"Eases quietly into a ferociously angry subject... Diane Ravitch affirms her faith in the American dream despite a detailed narrative which suggests, if anything, that education in New York has fairly consistently failed those who needed it most... Meticulously detailed and strains for fairness and impartiality." -- New York Times
The Great School Wars, New York City, 1805-1973: A History of the Public Schools as Battlefield of Social Change
... James Coleman, Public and Private Schools (New York: Basic Books, 1987), “They [“public” schools] tend to be the most exclusive and segregated schools.” Christopher Jencks, “Is the Public School Obsolete?
you need a private education' constantly confirm the long-term advantages of a fee-paying education. Four in ten (42 per cent) of the UK's most prestigious scientists and scholars, over a third (35 per cent) of MPs elected in the 2010 ...
New foundations, created by astonishingly successful entrepreneurs, took on the mission of reforming American education. ... In 1998, the top four foundations contributing to elementary and secondary schooling were the Annenberg ...
William T. Harris, "The Pedagogical Creed of William T. Harris," in Educational Creeds of the Nineteenth Century, ed. Ossian H. Lang (New York: Kellogg, 1898), p. 37. 34. W. T. Harris, "How the School Strengthens the Individuality of ...
"This book revisits the Ocean Hill-Brownsville crisis - a watershed in modern New York City race relations.
Slaying Goliath is about the power of democracy, about the dangers of plutocracy, and about the potential of ordinary people—armed like David with only a slingshot of ideas, energy, and dedication—to prevail against those who are trying ...
Further, we study parent involvement and satisfaction as well as student satisfaction and achievement in charter schools. Endnotes 1. Ravitch, D. (1974). The great school wars, New York City, 1805–1973: A history of the public schools ...
Why American History Is Not What They Say
Books in this series are fast-paced, accurate, and cover the story in as much detail as a short book possibly can.