In this book, the author uses such key colonial-era films as L'Atlantide and Péṕe le Moko to document how the French cinema reflected the changing policies and values of French colonialism in the inter-war period.
... Colonial Cinema and Imperial France, 1919–1939: White Blind Spots, Male Fantasies, Settler Myths (Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2001), 3. 4. Timothy Burke, “'Our Mosquitoes Are Not So Big': Images and Modernity in ...
... cinéma colonial, 16. Stam and Spence, “Colonialism, Racism, and Representation,” 239. Landau, introduction, 1, 2, 4, 5. Cameron, Africa on Film, 13, 14. . Slavin, Colonial Cinema and Imperial France, 1919—1939, xi, 3, 209. . Boulanger, Le ...
George Pearson, Flashback (London: George Allen & Unwin, 1957), 204. 4. “'Bwana Cinema' Retires after Useful Sojourn,” ... PRO, CO 323/1535/2, Copy of Minute by the Director of Education E. Travers Lacey, Enclosure no. 1 (Nyasaland no.
James Clifford has demonstrated how an important feature of “the ethnographic surrealist attitude [is] a belief that the other (whether accessible in dreams, fetishes, or Lévy-Bruhl's mentalité primitive) was a crucial object of modern ...
Burns, James (2002), Flickering Shadows: Cinema and Identity in Colonial Zimbabwe, Ohio: Ohio University Research in International Studies. ... (1994), Colonialism and Nationalism in Asian Cinema, Minneapolis: Indiana University Press.
Owen White has described how the former French Catholic priest Auguste Dupuis-Yakouba was able to leave the mission and became a full member of the community of Timbuktu while remaining a Catholic and keeping his ties to the ...
Abel, R. (1984) French Cinema: The First Wave, 1915–1929, Princeton, Princeton University Press. Abel, R. (1988) French Film Theory and Criticism: A History/ Anthology 1907–1939, vol. 2: 1929–1939, Princeton, Princeton University Press.
york: Penguin Books, 2007). see also david eltis and James Walvin, eds., The Abolition of the Transatlantic Slave Trade: ... 18. on the “Bissette affair,” see stella Pame, Cyrille Bissette, un martyr de la liberté (Fortde-France: ...
... French Films, 1924–1939. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1980. Sirinelli, Jean-François, ed. Histoire des droites en France. Paris: Gallimard, 1992. Slavin, David Henry. Colonial Cinema and Imperial France, 1919–1939: White ...
The essays in Nationalizing Empires challenge the dichotomy between empire and nation state that for decades has dominated historiography.