"In Blue-Collar Hollywood, John Bodnar examines the ways in which popular American films made between the 1930s and the 1980s depicted working--class characters, comparing these cinematic representations with the aspirations of ordinary Americans and the promises made to them by the country's political elites. Based on close and imaginative viewings of dozens of films from every genre -- among them Public Enemy, Black Fury, Baby Face, The Grapes of Wrath, It's a Wonderful Life, I Married a Communist, A Streetcar Named Desire, Peyton Place, Taxi Driver, Raging Bull, Coal Miner's Daughter, and Boyz N the Hood -- this book explores such topics as the role of censorship, attitudes toward labor unions and worker militancy, racism, the place of women in the workforce and society, communism and the Hollywood blacklist, and the faith in liberal democracy". (Midwest).
Tips, tales, and recollections to help you get in the acting game.
In The Life of a Blue-Collar Actor, we follow Jordan Rhode's incredible television and Hollywood career that spans over 55 years.
We'll discover behind-the-scenes stories on many of the block buster films and legendary Movies-of-the-Week he worked on with some of the biggest names in the film and television world, like John Wayne, Gregory Peck, Charles Bronson, Gene ...
Robert Gosnell has been a screenwriter for more than thirty years, with scripts produced in network television, syndicated television, basic and pay cable and theatrical and independent films.
From television, film, and music to sports, comics, and everyday life, this book provides a comprehensive view of working-class culture in America.
In this lively book, women who have broken with accepted societal roles and now enjoy careers in formerly male worlds share their experiences of accomplishment and frustration. They have made...
Based on extensive archival research and detailed discussions of films like In the Heat of the Night, Sweet Sweetback’s Baadasssss Song, Super Fly, Claudine, and Blue Collar, this volume considers how issues of race and labor played out ...
The “Good War” in American Memory dispels the long-held myth that Americans forged an agreement on why they had to fight in World War II. John Bodnar's sociocultural examination of the vast public debate that took place in the United ...
Here's my open -- Lying, liberal fake news and fiction -- Lying, liberal Hollywood hypocrites -- Lying, liberal RINOs -- Liberal sanctuary cities -- Lying, leaking, liberal leadership -- Lying, leaking, liberal law enforcement -- Lying and ...
The Street Was Mine: White Masculinity in Hardboiled Fiction and Film Noir. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. ... Blank Fictions: Consumerism, Culture and the Contemporary American Novel. New York: St. Martin's Press. Anon. 1999.