The first new dictionary of Jewish Babylonian Aramaic in a century, this towering scholarly achievement provides a complete lexicon of the entire vocabulary used in both literary and epigraphic sources from the Jewish community in Babylon from the third century C.E. to the twelfth century. Author Michael Sokoloff's primary source is, of course, the Babylonian Talmud, one of the most important and influential works in Jewish literature. Unlike the authors of previous dictionaries of this dialect, however, he also uses a variety of other sources, from inscriptions and legal documents to other rabbinical literature. A Dictionary of Jewish Babylonian Aramaic also differs from earlier lexographic efforts in its focus on a single dialect. Previous dictionaries have been composite works containing various Aramaic dialects from different periods, blurring distinctions in meaning and nuance. Sokoloff has been able to draw on the most current linguistic and textual scholarship to ensure the complete accuracy of his lexical entries, each of which is divided into six parts: lemma or root, part of speech, English gloss, etymology, semantic features, and bibliographic references. Another important feature in this invaluable reference work is its index of all cited passages, which allows the reader of a given text to easily find the semantics of a particular word. In addition to linguists and specialists in Jewish Aramaic literature, lay readers and students will also find this comprehensive, up-to-date dictionary useful for understanding the Babylonian Talmud.
The G counts are from Ginsburg ( 1897b : II , 450-3 ) . The total for the Torah is duplicated in Dosa ben Elezer's massoret ( Ginsburg 1897b : II , 338 ) , but his total for the Prophets is 9,298 rather than 9,294 .
A Concise Hebrew and Aramaic Lexicon of the Old Testament
This easy-to-understand book includes everything you need to learn Biblical Aramaic, including a lexicon of Biblical Aramaic, the complete annotated text of all 269 Bible verses written in Aramaic, and a downloadable grammar workbook with ...
Corpus of the Aramaic Incantation Bowls
"This volume presents 574 ostraca (560 Aramaic and 9 Greek) from the collection of David and Jemima Jeselsohn, almost all dating from the fourth century BCE.
This multivolume work classifies the ostraca acording to subject matter and brings them together in a single publication --
This edition of a legendary classic puts generations of biblical research at your fingerstips. The New Strong's(R) Exhaustive Concordance gives you all the classic features of the full-size concordance in a smaller, more convenient form.
... alwd that-must-be-alwd is-appropriate-alwd it-fitting-alwd bucket-alwd because-necessary-alwd that-it-is-necessary ... companions-Nwkyrbxd whom-you-shut-up-Nwtsbxd anrkwd atkwd atkwd atkwd atkwd atkwd htkwd Nwhtkwd aykwd atykwd atykwd ...
A Student's Vocabulary for Biblical Hebrew and Aramaic, Updated Edition has been a standard resource for students of Hebrew and Aramaic for over 30 years, this new edition has updated formatting and transliterations.
... Studies in Aramaic Inscriptions and Onomastics . Other schol- arly activities have fortunately prevented the writer from preparing a second volume at that time . New discoveries , like the Tell Fekherye and the Tel " Dan " inscriptions ...