Marine mammals are among the most fascinating and most watched of Earth's many animal species, particularly for their many adaptations for life in and around the water and their unique methods of communication. This comprehensive guide to the order is for experts and enthusiasts alike.
Rotection , Russian Federation , Moscow , 110– dale Press , Emmaus , Pennsylvania , 240 pp . 24 . Russell , W.C. , E.T. Thorne , R. Oakleaf , and J. D. Ballou . 1994. The genetic basis of blackfooted ferret reintroduction . Conserv .
Authoritative and engaging, this volume from the Walker's Mammals series focuses on marsupials, pouched animals whose unusual method of reproduction—between egg laying and placental birth—places them in a unique category among mammals.
This thorough revision of the classic Encyclopedia of Marine Mammals brings this authoritative book right up-to-date.
Walker's marine mammals of the world. Baltimore, USA: The John Hopkins University Press. Owen, M.A., Swaisgood, R.R., Slocomb, C., Amstrup, S.C., Durner, G.M., Simac, K., & Pessier, A.P. (2015). An experimental investigation of chemical ...
Volume 2 covers each insect order. The final volume provides references, species, author, and subject indexes, and a bibliography. Hogue, Charles L. Latin American Insects and Entomology. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1993.
Davis, Richard A. Oceanography, An Introduction to the Marine Environment. ... An interdisciplinary examination of the ocean for beginning marine science students. ... The Facts On File Marine Science Handbook. New York: Facts On File, ...
The Facts On File Marine Science Handbook. New York: Facts On File, 2003. An excellent resource that includes information on marine physical factors and living things as well as the people who have been important in ocean studies.
The Facts On File Marine Science Handbook. New York: Facts On File, 2003. An excellent resource that includes information on marine physical factors and living things as well as the people who have been important in ocean studies.
Monotremes, Marsupials, Afrotherians, Xenarthrans, and Sundatherians Ronald M. Nowak ... the young is about a week old, then emerges to forage with the young in her pouch (Morrow, Andersen, and Nicol 2009; Nicol and Andersen 2007).
If this book doesn't convince conservation biology about the need to take the long view of animal histories and ecosystems into account in developing conservation management plans, I'm not sure what will.”—Virginia L. Butler, Department ...