Publisher description
Engaging and insightful, After the Dinosaurs is a book for everyone who has an abiding fascination with the remarkable life of the past.
Explores the Cenozoic era from the extinction of dinosaurs to life today, including ice ages covering Earth, the formation of the Grand Canyon, and the evolution of humans.
Climbing proclivities for Henkelotherium were supported by the study of Vazquez-Molinero et al. (2001 ). Elongation of the Henkelotherium tail is not sufficient to indicate arboreality, as tails are just as elongated in some extant ...
A description of the first animals, like the mastodon, & how they evolved during the Ice Age.
This book is an account of the remarkable 320 million year long fossil record that documents their origin, their long spell as no more than small, nocturnal creatures, and their explosive radiation since the extinction of the dinosaurs 65 ...