Train Up a Child explores how private schools in Old Order Amish communities reflect and perpetuate church-community values and identity. Here, Karen M. Johnson-Weiner asserts that the reinforcement of those values among children is imperative to the survival of these communities in the modern world. Surveying settlements in Indiana, Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and New York, Johnson-Weiner finds that, although Old Order communities have certain similarities in their codes of conduct, there is no standard Old Order school. She examines the choices each community makes—about pedagogy, curriculum, textbooks, even school design—to strengthen religious ideology, preserve the social and linguistic markers of Old Order identity, and protect their own community's beliefs and values from the influence of the dominant society. In the most comprehensive study of Old Order schools to date, Johnson-Weiner provides valuable insight into how variables such as community size and relationship with other Old Order groups affect the role of these schools in maintaining behavioral norms and in shaping the Old Order's response to modernity.
"Turning the hearts of the fathers to the children"--Cover.
Readers can expect nothing less than God's best for their family as they train up your child in the way he should go!
Train Up a Child: A Guide to Successful Parenting
Twenty-one years later, To Train Up a Child has sold over 1.2 million copies in twelve languages. TTUAC has been on Amazon's best-seller list several times. This new book has added chapters and several updates.
The NIV Study Bible is the #1 bestselling study Bible in the world's most popular modern English Bible translation. This best-loved Bible features a stunning four-color interior with photographs, maps, charts, and illustrations.
To respond to the many letters that Michael and Debi Pearl received after publishing their first book, To Train Up a Child, they started the No Greater Joy magazine.
This is crucial for your children so when they are away from you and are afraid, worried, or concerned, they have the comfort of the Word of God to rely on.
"--Publisher description. Sorry, not even this book outlines precisely what to do and when.
Train Up a Child
The bestselling book now revised and updated with new content!Hailed as the most popular and best-loved series of the twentieth century, The Lord of the Rings trilogy is more than a great story; it's a reflection of life's epic quest for ...