CBIB is the complete reference & buying guide to English-language Canadian books currently in print. The two volumes (Author/Title Index & Subject Index) & mircrofiche editions are indispensable to the book profession, containing over 47,000 titles of which 4,000 have a 1999 imprint. Since CBIP encourages submissions from the largest to the smallest publishers, the volume provide access to many titles not listed elsewhere. Containing more than 46,000 titles, of which approximately 2,500 have a 1999 imprint, the Author/Title Index is extensively cross-referenced. The Subject Index lists the titles under 800 subject categories. Both books offer the most complete directory of Canadian publishers available, listing names, standard book number prefixes & street, e-mail, & web addresses of more than 4500 houses. CBIP is referred to constantly by order librarians, booksellers, researchers & all those involved in book acquisition. As well, CBIP is invaluable as a record of the vast wealth of publishing & writing activity in the scientific, literary, academic & arts communities across Canada.